- Antico podere nobiliare, recentemente restaurato
- Il ristorante propone ricette della cucina tradizionale toscana rivisitate in chiave moderna
- Ideale per cerimonie e matrimoni
- E’ anche hotel


The Locanda boasts nine rooms and suites, all spacious and fully equipped with every possible amenity. To provide a warm, inviting atmosphere, all accommodations have been elegantly furnished in the original Tuscan traditional and look out onto the broad green expanse of the estate. The main hallway of the erstwhile farm house leads to the Locanda’s most alluring accommodations: the white room, with its wrought iron balcony giving out onto courtyard, the enchanting play of lights in the bedroom that was once the granary, up to the large glass door of the wing offering a panoramic view of the horizon and mountains.
SS12 dell’Abetone e del Brennero Km5+812
San Giuliano Terme – Pisa – Italy
Tel. +39 050 820328 – Fax +39 050 825974 –
Cod.Fisc e P.Iva 01947280507
San Giuliano Terme – Pisa – Italy
Tel. +39 050 820328 – Fax +39 050 825974 –
Cod.Fisc e P.Iva 01947280507
E-mail: info@locandasantagata.it