- Degustazioni in ambiente d’impronta familiare
- Eccellenze gastronomiche provenienti esclusivamente dal territorio
- Possibilità di acquistare i prodotti direttamente in azienda

“Podere Belvedere” is an association whose aim is to offer tourists a family environment, one in which is beautiful to taste local food and wine. At “Podere Belvedere” you can find handmade pasta, both fresh and dried, wine and oil from the “Monti Pisani”, the famous San Miniato’s truffles, parkd in oil vegetables, cheese and cured meats of pork and cinta senese. Furthermore, you can buy the products directly here, rediscovering the typical traditions of rural culture.
Belvedere – Molina di Quosa
San Giuliano Terme (PI)
Tel. 339/3282666 – 392/5950200
Web: http://poderebelvedere.weebly.com/
Email: poderebelvedere@tiscali.it